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How to uninstall PPTools add-ins

Message when starting PPT: "[Add-in Name] must be installed ... " (WebEx / Click To Run)

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Only MasterBar appears, no other toolbars

You install any of the PPTools add-ins. The installation finishes without errors, but when you start PowerPoint, you see:

In either case, if you choose MasterBar, Preferences, you don't see any add-ins listed.

Why it happens

This can happen when a PowerPoint add-in from another vendor deliberately uninstalls and reinstalls PPTools add-ins. Add-ins that are known to cause this or similar problems include:

Note that not all versions of these add-ins are problematic. Check with the vendor for updated versions.


The conflict with Webex' software occurs when you share a PPT presentation during a meeting. You may see this error message from PowerPoint either then or the next time you start PowerPoint.

We're working directly with Webex to solve the problem. If it occurs, please contact Webex tech support and ask about an upgrade to version 26 or higher of their software.
If the updated software isn't available yet or you can't install it for other reasons, here are two simple workarounds:

TechSmith's Camtasia Office Add-in

If you run into conflicts between TechSmith's add-ins and PPTools, check the TechSmith site for an updated version of your software. To the best of our knowledge, TechSmith has solved the problem.

ScanSoft PaperPort

Several PPTools users who've installed ScanSoft's PaperPort software have reported problems. In all cases so far, uninstalling PaperPort's addin and reinstalling the PPTools add-in(s) has solved the problem.

As far as we know, it's not possible to have both the PaperPort PowerPoint add-in and PPTools add-ins installed at the same time. We've attempted to contact ScanSoft about this but so far have received no reply. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Check the registry

The simplest fix for this problem is to edit the registry to remove the incorrect entries placed there by the problem add-in.

If that didn't make any sense to you, don't mess with the registry. Click the Contact link on this page and get in touch with us. We'll help you sort it out from here.

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