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Facebook cover images

If you've ever tried to make a cover image for your Facebook page, you know the meaning of the word "frustration".

Luckily, it's fairly simple to do in PowerPoint, and with ImageExport it's equally simple to get a high quality result. You just need to know the correct size for the image and how to make sure it turns out that way.

What Facebook suggests

Facebook describes the specifications for cover page images here.

To summarize:

851 pixels? Seriously? Seriously. Not 850. 851.

How do I make that happen in PowerPoint?

Why not make a higher resolution image and let Facebook deal with it?

If you've ever tried this, you already know why.

When you give Facebook an oversize image, they turn hungry weasels loose on it to gnaw away the excess data. And it shows.

You'll get FAR better results by letting ImageExport produce exactly the right size image.

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