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Images are cut off

Thanks to help from several of our customers, we were able to track down an odd little bug in PowerPoint that affects image exports from ImageExport.

There's an old trick you can use to control the resolution of image that PowerPoint produces when you do a File | Save As and choose PNG, JPG, BMP or another image type as the Save As file type.

You modify (or add, if it's not already there) this registry setting:


and specify the number of pixels you want in exported images.

The 14.0 above is for PowerPoint 2010. You'd use 15.0 for PowerPoint 2013, 12.0 for PowerPoint 2007, 11.0 for PowerPoint 2003 and so on.

And yes, that's correct: there's no PowerPoint 13.0 ... SuperstitiousSofties, I guess.

By setting a higher value than PowerPoint's default of 960, you can get higher resolution images than PowerPoint will normally give you.

OR, as some clever users have worked out, you can specify a lower value if you want smaller images.

All good so far, but ... thanks to this little PowerPoint bug, if you've entered a value lower than 200, PowerPoint produces some odd results if you use code to export higher resolution images ... as ImageExport does.

For example, here's what you get normally, with no registry value or a value of 200 or greater set:

But if you set the registry value to 100, you get this, even when you export at 2000 pixels:

Or this, with the registry set to 50:

So if you start getting odd results like this, check the registry entry mentioned above. If it's there, delete it; you have ImageExport so you no longer need to fiddle the registry to get good results.

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