
Latest news:

For those of you who've been waiting:
PPTools Merge is now available in a 64- and 32-bit compatible version.
Thank you for your patience.

By the way, there's no charge for the updated version.


Use these links to navigate the FAQ:

Tell me more about my PPTools. Where are they? What Version do I have?

Who is PPTools? What's an RnR?

Main FAQ page


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System Requirements

Hardware Requirements

PPTools add-ins don't require a hefty computer. If your PC can handle the PowerPoint files you typically work with, it's powerful enough to use PPTools add-ins.

Office/PowerPoint and Windows versions

PPTools add-ins work with these WINDOWS versions of PowerPoint:

Most of the add-ins work with either 32- or 64-bit PowerPoint.

However, a few have not yet been updated to 64-bit compatibility:

If you have a pressing need for one of these, please get in touch. Sometimes your pressure becomes our pressure (to update).

How do I know whether I have 32-bit or 64-bit PowerPoint?

PPTools add-ins are compatible with Windows XP through Windows 11, including Windows 64-bit versions of Windows 7 and up.

PPTools add-ins will NOT work in:

BUT ... PPTools add-ins WILL work in:

PPTools add-ins have free fully functional demo versions that allow you to test them thoroughly. If the demo works well for you, so will the purchased version.

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