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Fly it! Optimizer (the basics)

Set it up
Before you use Optimizer, you'll want to customize it to suit your needs. You do this using its Preferences dialog box. To access Optimizer preferences, click the Preferences icon on the Optimizer toolbar. It looks like this:

Or from the main menu, choose PPTools, Optimizer, Preferences. Either way, you'll see this dialog box:

The Optimizer Preferences dialog box

Optimize: Choose whether or not to optimize various types of graphics and other presentation content.

Convert to:When you choose to optimize pictures and OLE objects, you can pick the graphics format Optimizer will convert them to, JPG, GIF or PNG.

What's the best format? That depends on the content of your presentation:

Optimize for: This is where you tell Optimizer how you intend to use your presentation. In other words, how aggressively you want it to shrink the images in it.

Here's what the various options do and why you'd use them:

The further down the list, the higher the resolution, the higher the image quality and the larger the Optimized PPT file will be.

Hint: When in doubt, set it at 1024x768 and forget it.

Export to/Import from: The folder where you want Optimizer to store its intermediate files.

AutoCleanupShould Optimizer automatically delete its intermediate files or not. Usually you'll want to leave this checkmarked. Occasionally it's handy to be able to check the intermediate files for troubleshooting and other purposes. Click Clean Up Now to delete all intermediate files immediately.